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The continued success and longevity of Northeastern Ballet Theatre (NBT), our artistic vision, the development of our dancers, and our extensive educational outreach program are made possible by the generosity of our Corporate Partners in the community.

Like many performing arts organizations, ticket sales only cover a third of our budget. The resources needed to present evening-length performances, train our artists, and run a fully functional school of classical ballet are significant. By supporting NBT, you are investing in the future of ballet and contributing to the cultivation of the arts in New Hampshire.   For information , please reach out to : for more information



  • 5K reach on social media and e-blasts

  • 25K annual page views (Jan-Dec. 2023)

  • Over 2,500 audience members in 2022-2023

  • Press coverage across New Hampshire

  • Additional reach through local news broadcasts and performances at various venues

Sponsorship Levels

  • Season Sponsor | $15,000+

    • Sponsor name listed with Season title  "2024-25 Season brought to you by ..."

    • Logo in all of NBT’s programs with priority placement

    • Logo on NBT’s website, e-blasts, press releases, and related social media

    • Special mention from the stage at all NBT productions

    • Signage displayed in the lobby at performances (provided by your organization)

    • Exclusive behind-the-curtain experience

    • 4 tickets to each of NBT’s productions

    • Opportunity for outreach appearance at events for sponsoring organizations

    • Opportunity to attend/observe selected company rehearsals

    • Tickets to  Any VIP donor event

  • Production Sponsor | $7,000 - $10,000

    • Mainstage Production • $7,000

    • All productions " Except the Nutcracker"

    • Logo on NBT’s website

    • Logo in the program of the sponsored production and on the production webpage

    • Logo in associated social media, e-blasts, and press releases

    • Special mention from the stage for the sponsored production

    • Signage displayed in the lobby at performances (provided by your organization)

    • 4 tickets to the sponsored production

    • Opportunity for outreach appearance at events for sponsoring organizations

    • Opportunity to attend/observe selected company rehearsals

    • Tickets to VIP donor event

  • The Nutcracker • $10,000

    • All Mainstage Production sponsorship benefits

    • Visibility during our largest production of the year and at additional outreach events

  • Act Sponsor| $5,000

    • Logo on NBT’s website

    • Logo in NBT programs and listed with dancer profile on website

    • 2 tickets to each of NBT’s productions

    • Signage displayed in the lobby at performances (provided by your organization)

    • Opportunity to attend/observe selected company rehearsals

    • Tickets to VIP donor even

  • Program Sponsor | $1,000 - $4,999

    • Logo on NBT’s website

    • Logo in all printed programs

    • 4 tickets to a production of your choice

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